Visit of a Ukrainian university delegation



    On Tuesday, August 14th, USAMV Bucuresti received the visit of a university delegation from Ukraine, consisting of 3 members: Prof.PhD Iurii DANKO, Vice-Rector of Scientific Research, National Agricultural University of Sumi, Prof.PhD Oleksii KRASNORUŢKII, National Technical University of Agriculture Petro Vasilenko from Harkov, Prof.PhD Mykola KLEMPARSKII, Chief of the Department, Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Donetsk.

    The Ukrainian delegation was received by Prof.PhD. Gina Fîntîneru, Vice-Rector of Scientific Research, Prof.PhD Mircea Mihalache, Vice-Rector of Education, Prof.PhD Liliana Bădulescu, Director of Research Center for Studies of Food and Agricultural Products Quality, Prof.PhD Adrian Peticila, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Horticulture and members of the International Relations Office.

    During the meeting the delegations discussed about the possibilities of training students and academics within the academic exchange programs, the opportunities for developing joint research projects and scientific events, as well as the capacity to improve the visibility of the joint scientific publications between Romania and Ukraine.

    At the end of discussions the delegates had the pleasure to visit the Agronomy-Herastrau Campus, the Research Center for Studies of Food and Agricultural Products Quality and the HORTINVEST Research Greenhouse.