ISHS President, Prof.dr. Yüksel TÜZEL, visits USAMV Bucuresti

    ISHS President, Prof.dr. Yüksel TÜZEL, visits USAMV Bucuresti



    On Thursday, October 4th, USAMV București had the honor to receive Prof.dr. Yüksel TÜZEL, President of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and Prof.dr. Jozef Van ASSCHE, ISHS Executive Director.

    The ISHS representatives were received by Prof.dr. Florin Stănică, Vice-Rector of USAMV București and the Executive Board of the Faculty of Horticulture: Prof.dr. Dorel Hoza - Dean, Adrian Peticila – Vice-Dean, Adrian Asanica – Vice-Dean, Viorica Lagunovschi, responsible for Ecological Horticultural Science Master.

    The event was attended by representatives of the academic community of USAMV București, members of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti (ASAS), Mr. Marian Bogoescu - ASAS Vice President, Vice-President of the Horticultural Department of ASAS, Director of the Scientific-Horticultural Practice Institute and Food Technologies from Chisinau, Moldova.

    During the meeting were discussed the possibilities of collaboration, through which the visibility of the scientific results of the students, teachers and researches of USAMV București in the field of horticulture at international level can be raised.

    Mrs. Professor Yüksel TÜZEL highlighted the availability of ISHS to collaborate and support scientific work by organizing training sessions in horticulture and international scientific research projects. It also encourages the capitalization of the scientific results of doctoral students and researchers in the international ISHS scientific journals, which have high international exposure and visibility.

    The representatives of the ISHS participate on the same day at the 12th Congress of the Romanian Horticultural Society dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, celebrating the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Society, organized at the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti.